11月下旬、オランダのAlfrink Collegeという学校に通う生徒たちが本校を訪れて交流をしました。授業に出たり、敦照殿(本校の施設)に宿泊したり、生徒の家庭でホームステイを行ったり。本校の生徒も興味津々といった様子で、休み時間に話しかけていました。こうしたユネスコスクールとしての交流の輪を今後も広げていきたいと思っています。
Exchange with Alfrink College
In late November, students from Alfrink College in the Netherlands visited our school, spending time together. They attended classes at our school, stayed in our school dormitory, and experienced homestays with our students. Our students were also very eager and engaged, actively reaching out during break times and lunch hours. We hope to continue and foster such exchanges in the future.